
Hello friends, it’s been a busy last month preparing, going, and returning from Abeokuta Nigeria. It was literally a miracle that we were even able to go. If you haven’t already, look on my personal facebook page for a live video title “Miracle after miracle” to see what I mean! Well, it was a wonderful time of ministry there in the great city of Abeokuta. The full Gospel was preached, devils were cast out, the sick were prayed for to recover, people responded to receive Christ as their personal Savior, and many were prayed for to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It was a life giving trip for all involved. A spiritual father of mine once told me “on a mission trip you find 3 people. First you find yourself, second you find a form of Jesus, and third you find a friend.” I’d say I found myself in the sense of being a minister. Finding how to love and care for others the way Jesus does. Having great compassion, mercy and grace with humanity. It’s a humbling thing to go somewhere with a 80% unemployment rate with people every where trying to make a dollar any way possible. It certainly reminds one of all the blessings they have to be thankful for. The form of Jesus I met was Pastor E. Ade Shobanke. This man is a pioneer for the kingdom of God. Starting his evangelistic work in the 70’s which has now blossomed to several churches under his administration to reach the lost in Abeokuta and the surrounding area. Finally the friend I met was Rev. Samuel Shobanke one of Pastor E. Ade Shobanke’s children. Samuel is a wonderful preacher of the Gospel, light hearted, with a contagious laugh that lights up any room he enters. As we would say here in the south he and I were like “two peas in a pod.” I can’t write this post without acknowledging some wonderful friends and ministry colleagues of mine; Evangelist Robert Martin, Bro. Seth Gilpin, and Rev. Emmanuel Shobanke. All three of these men are fine preachers of the Gospel who I’m privileged to be connected with. It’s with heartfelt gratitude and thanks that I say it was an honor to advance the Kingdom of God with these men. Finally, I want to tell all of those who gave toward the trip financially, prayerfully, and any other way a great big thank you. Your part in this trip will not go unnoticed by the Lord, and your giving made it possible for lives to be transformed by the wonderful Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In His Sercive

