
Hey there, thank you for stopping by and checking things out! You know, in the world we live in today things seem to be accelerating at an alarming pace. It is certainly epic times we are living in. However, the Kingdom of God is accelerating even faster and the Gospel is going forward. With that, things have accelerated greatly within Clay Gunderson Ministries. God is opening doors all over the world to share the message of the Gospel. It is my prayer and hearts desire to see revival sweep the world and witnessing the Third Great Awakening. I believe God is doing just that, sending revival to the world. After all his word does say in Joel 2:28, β€œAnd it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:” Will you join me in praying for this outpouring? Stay tuned for more updates about the ministry and upcoming places Clay Gunderson Ministries will be ministering at!

In his service,

