“…How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” - Romans 10:15


  • Revive, Renew, Restore

    CGM produces messages accessible by USB drives and other multimedia outlets. By partnering with a gift of $25 a month, producing and managing these materials is made possible.

  • Fueling the Flame

    CGM travels to many rural churches to minister and equip the saints. By partnering with a gift of $50 a month, you help the mission by fueling the flame of revival keeping this ministry on the go.

  • Feeding The Hungry

    CGM partners with a local multi-site church in the Philippines that feeds local children weekly. By partnering with a gift of $100 per month, you can provide 600 meals for hungry children in the Philippines.

  • Gathering The Harvest

    Answering The Call

    By partnering with CGM you are helping fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28. Your generous support keeps the vision and mission of CGM alive and moving.

All gifts are tax-deductible. It is the supporter’s responsibility to end their partnership when they deem it necessary or make a request to the ministry to terminate the partnership.